Susan Monaghan

Susan moved to Santa Barbara in 2009 to join the wireless speaker company, Sonos, and help them build their amazing organization. As the Head of Human Resources, she helped hire almost 1,000 people, most of whom relocated to our area for the company. She loved introducing Santa Barbara to new people and watching them thrive once they moved to town.

After retirement in 2017, Susan started volunteering for CASA and Mission Scholars while also raising her teenage daughter and three dogs. Looking for a new challenge, she joined the Paradise Retreats team as a part-time Property Inspector/Meet & Greet staff. Susan loves real estate and has never met a house she doesn't love! In her spare time, Susan loves to hike, cook, and plan events for her friends.

"What an amazing opportunity to meet people visiting our beautiful town. I love meeting our guests, and I especially enjoy helping them with finding events, restaurants, and activities that will bring them joy during their stay."